Fatimah Finney, LMHC

Therapist | Trainer| Consultant

Fatimah is an emerging leader and life-long learner.  She can usually be found listening to a podcast, reading a book, or imagining a new idea for solving some problem in the world.  

Serial goal-setter, lover of new ideas, and imaginative thinker.

At the heart of her work is a love for connecting with people and hearing their stories. On a drive back to Boston in Spring 2017, Fatimah queried, “What do I ultimately want to help people do?” She answered, “to heal differently, to choose another way than what’s been hurting them.” 

I wanted to thank you. We had many conversations[...] when I was maybe 19/20 years old. I am now turning 25 in about two months and a lot of my gratitude is geared towards those conversations. It made me think in a way that I never considered previously and I am a better person because of it. I’ve spoken with many other therapist prior to meeting you, but my experience speaking with you truly felt unbiased, and the ways you geared the conversations truly made me think within. I am absolutely grateful.


I don't think I'd be where I am today if not for your guidance and support - for the first time in a long time, I am confident in my ability to hold myself gently through life's 'triggering bliss'. Thank you for providing such a wonderful safe & healing space. My life is changed because of it.
